Thermal disinfector HYG 3 – specialization in surgery


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IC Ionentauscherkartusche

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Basic basket (item number 120969)

Dimensions (HxWxD) 6.7 x 35 x 40.7 cm

With this basic basket you can easily introduce surgical instruments. The basis is our Flexio organization system, which allows a load of up to 5 kg.

2x universal holder (item number 105034)

Our SURGERY equipment package includes the universal holder. It can hold up to 21 scissors, clamps and pliers; with two holders so up to 42. In one run.

Innovative for more safety

We have developed innovative pump technology and a new water supply system for our HYG 5. Both ensure the cleaning and disinfection of the external surfaces of your instruments. And it ensures the disinfection of all interior spaces of the hollow body instruments used.

Short program time for more efficiency

Our thermal disinfector HYG 5 processes even demanding batches reliably, quickly and safely; even complex hollow bodies. The construction is stable and powerful. Two preparation levels enable greater flexibility and a smooth process. Even when there are high or changing instrument requirements, the HYG 5 delivers full power with the shortest preparation time.

Type designation HYG 3
Item number 120 003
Device dimensions (HxWxD) including base 82 x 43 x 50 cm
(19 x 43 x 50 cm)
Flexio sieve basket 10x10

Der Siebkorb 10x10 bietet die Möglichkeit, Kleinteile, Zangen sowie Spekulahalter aufzunehmen und vorschriftsgemäß aufzubereiten.

» About the product

Flexio instrument holder insert

Up to 72 standing instruments can be hygienically processed in the instrument holder insert. In addition, 8 additional and larger compartments offer space for vacuum cleaners and pliers.

» About the product

Drill stand with 4 cassettes including holder

The Flexio drill stand 39 with a total of 156 slots is made of robust stainless steel. Our set contains four drill containers, each with 39 slots, which can be equipped directly in the individual treatment rooms, in...

» About the product

Flexio system carrier 10 slots

The Flexio system carrier offers the option of attaching ten plug-in systems for rotating instruments or ear speculas.

» About the product

Flexio system carrier 5 slots

The Flexio system carrier offers the option of attaching five plug-in systems for rotating instruments or ear speculas.

» About the product

Flexio plug-in system for 7 rotating instruments

The plug-in system for rotating instruments and mirror attachments can be integrated in a single version into the system carrier with 5 slots or in two versions in the system carrier with 10 slots.

» About the product

Flexio plug-in system for 4 ear speculas

The plug-in system for ear specula can be integrated in a single version into the system carrier with 5 slots or in two versions in the system carrier with 10 slots.

» About the product

Flexio Universal impression/spoon holder

The Flexio Universal impression/spoon holder is suitable for the hygienic preparation of impression trays, especially in the dental field, as well as for other medical instruments.

» About the product

Flexio nasal specula/ear funnel holder

Up to 60 nasal speculas can be prepared in the nasal specula holder. You can also use it to hygienically process other medical instruments (up to 60 utensils).

» About the product

Flexio universal holder for 4 speculums or 11 pliers

The Flexio universal holder offers the possibility of preparing up to 4 speculas, 11 pliers or other medical instruments.

» About the product

Flexio universal holder for 8 speculums or 21 pliers

The Flexio universal holder offers the possibility of preparing up to 8 speculas, 21 pliers or other medical instruments.

» About the product

Flexio holder for small parts container MONO

The Flexio holder MONO for holding a small parts container. The holder can be locked in both the basic basket and the 10x10 sieve basket. The Flexio holder can be equipped with a ball or multibox.

» About the product

Flexio holder for small parts container DUO

The Flexio holder DUO for holding two small parts containers. The holder can be installed in both the basic basket and the 10x10 sieve basket. The Flexio holder can be equipped with a ball or multibox.

» About the product

Flexio small parts container ball

The fine-meshed Flexio small parts container "Ball" offers the option of storing small parts such as drills, matrices,...

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Multibox small parts container

The coarse-meshed Flexiro Multibox small parts container offers the option of storing small parts such as drills, matrices,…

» About the product

Flexio tray holder 7

The Flexio tray holder offers the option of holding 7 trays. The trays may be a maximum of 4.5 cm wide.

» About the product

EC safety data sheet Oxides Thermo tabs

(png ,19.53 KB) You will need the safety data sheet for the Oxides Thermotabs for your documents; please keep them carefully.

EC safety data sheet service tabs

(jpeg ,12.48 KB) You will need the safety data sheet for the service tabs for your records; please keep them carefully.

User manuals
Installation und Einweisungen
Installation requirements for thermal disinfectors of the HYG 3 series V3.1

( ,) Please check the installation requirements for your thermodisinfector carefully and send this signed document and order back to IC Medical.

Technical Details
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